Maryam Akram
Maryam is a Research Analyst at Chartis, focusing on risk-aware accounting and artificial intelligence in risk management. She also specializes in visualizations.
Maryam has a certificate in Risk in Financial Services from the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.
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Articles by Maryam Akram
No surprises: 2025 will be another big year for AI
Last year was revolutionary for AI, with potentially far-reaching impacts, and 2025 looks set to offer more of the same, with perhaps some sobering lessons. Taking a pragmatic view, Maryam Akram, Research Principal at Chartis, offers some predictions for…
Reimagining Model Risk Management: New Tools and Approaches for a New Era
A collaborative report by Chartis and Evalueserve.
Firm foundation: aligning hardware and software is vital for effective AI
Financial firms neglect the hardware for AI tools at their peril. But even as chips and system architectures evolve, trade-offs remain. When it comes to hardware, firms need to know what to balance with what, to avoid being lumbered with fragmented IT…
Is more data, and less math, a good thing in modern models?
Now that Big Data is mainstream, model developers face an epistemic trade-off: enable models to make more accurate predictions by loosening traditional statistical methodologies. But what impact might this have on the future accountability of our…
Reinsurers’ IFRS 17 struggles are a reminder that one size does not fit all
The IASB issued IFRS 17 in a bid to standardize insurance contract accounting, but reinsurance firms, because of their particular idiosyncrasies, will struggle to comply. Unless the IASB makes significant modifications to the standard, reinsurers…
Breaking the glass box: achieving ‘explainability’ that actually explains
Tied to the growing popularity of machine learning (ML) tools is the need to explain their underlying rationale. But buzzwords, like ‘glass box’, are steering the explainability conversation off course. Meanwhile, without proper investment in the tech…