Financial Risk
Chartis Big Bets 2020
Welcome to Big Bets, a briefing from Chartis Research in which we explore the five big themes we believe will shape the RiskTech marketplace in 2020.
Technology Solutions for Credit Risk 2.0: Vendor Landscape, 2019
This is the first of two reports that update our research into technology solutions for credit risk management. In our previous credit risk report, we highlighted the continuing emergence of a new credit modeling and analytics environment in credit risk …
Fixed-Income Technology Solutions, 2019: Market and Vendor Landscape
The landscape for fixed-income solutions is a complex one, shaped by a variety of economic, geographic and cultural factors. This complexity is creating wide differences across different segments of the market - notably bonds, securities and loans - in…
Front Office Risk Management Technology, 2019: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
While the market dynamics that we identified in our 2018 FORM report persist, over the past year several developments have been shaping the landscape.
Mapping Demand for IFRS 17 Solutions
We examine the drivers of demand for solutions, and the vendor landscape in this free to download report.
The IFRS lull: firms must end box-ticking and start hand-shaking
A relative lull in transformative IFRS-related system implementations means that financial firms can relax a little. But not too much: now is the time to work strategically with other players to create real value from IFRS compliance.
Why more is not always better in the world of credit
Advanced analytics and AI promise revolutions everywhere, but real-world constraints abound. This is notably true in the world of credit scoring, which needs to be understandable, is often slow to give out real-world results, and can be muddied by the…
Sell-Side Enterprise Risk Management Technology, 2019: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
After summarizing key market trends, we analyze two areas where there has been considerable activity: margin valuation adjustment (MVA) and initial margin (IM) requirements.
Case Study: Loxon and MKB Bank
This report details the implementation of a risk rating/scoring solution by Loxon for MKB Bank, a universal bank based in Hungary.