Market Quadrants
Credit Risk Management Solutions, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report outlines Chartis’ view of the market and vendor landscape for credit risk management solutions in the trading and banking books, and features two RiskTech Quadrants®.
Watchlist and Adverse Media Monitoring Solutions, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report updates Watchlist Monitoring Solutions, 2022; Market Update and Vendor Landscape, published in 2022. It focuses on solutions for sanctions (name and transaction) screening and monitoring adverse media and its related elements.
Integrated GRC Solutions, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report updates Chartis’ GRC research. It contains RiskTech Quadrants® covering seven GRC subcategories: GRC analytics, internal audit, IT risk, third-party risk, conduct and controls, enterprise GRC and operational risk.
CLM Solutions for Corporate and Investment Banking, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report focuses on CLM solutions for corporate and investment banking (CIB). Using a broad definition of CIB, it covers areas including markets, wholesale credit, equity investment banking, derivatives and foreign exchange.
Energy Pricing Systems, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report analyzes these issues and assesses the vendor landscape. It examines pricing, analytics, curve management and vendors’ ability to provide tools across asset classes.
Energy Data Management Systems, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report considers vendors that aggregate and redistribute data across different asset classes, market environments and geographies, as well as how effective they are in developing and processing their data.
Vendor Analysis: Dun & Bradstreet - KYC Data Solutions, 2023
This Vendor Analysis takes a detailed look at Dun & Bradstreet’s quadrant positioning and scoring in the report 'KYC Data and Solutions, 2023: Market Update and Vendor Landscape.'
Credit Risk Reporting Solutions, 2023: Market and Vendor Landscape
This report, the next in a series examining the evolving credit landscape, outlines Chartis’ view of credit risk reporting in the banking book. Contains one RiskTech Quadrant.
Payment Risk Solutions, 2023: Market and Vendor Landscape
This report considers the market landscape for payment risk solutions, and the variety of vendor offerings emerging to address it. Contains four RiskTech Quadrants.