Operational risk
Vendor Analysis: Aravo - Third-Party Risk Management Solutions, 2021
A detailed look at Aravo’s 3PRM quadrant positioning and scoring, and Chartis’ underlying opinion and analysis.
Vendor Analysis: SAS; Model Risk Management Solutions, 2021
This Vendor Analysis is based on the Chartis quadrant report ‘GRC Solutions, 2021: Market Update and Vendor Landscape’ (published in May 2021).
GRC Solutions, 2021: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report contains Chartis’ updated view of the market and vendor landscape for governance, risk and compliance (GRC) solutions. Contains 8 RiskTech Quadrants.
Chartis Big Bets 2021
In this briefing from Chartis Research, we explore the big themes we believe will shape the RiskTech marketplace in 2021 and beyond. This year we view our Big Bets through the lens of COVID-19, in part updating our previous research on the pandemic’s…
Chartis Research – Research Agenda Q1 2021 Update
The first of our regular updates in which we review our research agenda for 2021.
Chartis Research – Research Agenda: Q3/4 2020 Update
This short report is the second of our quarterly updates in which we review our research agenda and extend it by one quarter.
RiskTech100 2021
The latest iteration of Chartis Research’s market-leading RiskTech100® report. Contains a ranking of the top 100 players in risk technology, more than 80 category winners, and an overview of some of Chartis' key research themes.
Cyber Risk Quantification Solutions, 2020: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report updates our view of the market for CRQ solutions, highlighting the major trends and developments, and assessing the vendor landscape.
Calculating Return on Investment for Client Lifecycle Management Using the Fenergo Solution
Chartis Research and Fenergo have developed a focused return on investment (ROI) model for CLM, to determine how much value financial institutions (FIs) can hope to achieve from their CLM solutions. This report outlines the Chartis model, its methodology…
Why Effective Cyber Risk Quantification Matters – Now More Than Ever
In this latest Chartis Briefing, we consider the growing importance of CRQ technology, and the part it can play in financial institutions’ cyber risk management strategies.
Chartis Research – Research Agenda Q2; 2020 Update
The first quarterly rolling update of Chartis' research agenda - now includes Q1 2021.
Chartis Risk Bulletin: The Technology Impacts of COVID-19 - Market Overview and Guidance
In this short report, Chartis research analysts present their view of the technology and system challenges that financial institutions (FIs) are likely to face in the coming weeks and months as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Amid ongoing market…
RiskTech100 2020 Winners' Review
This supplement to the main RiskTech100 ranking report highlights the achievements and innovations of many of the featured vendors, giving readers a glimpse into what makes them successful.