Government contact-tracing apps: in tech (vendors) we trust?
Since COVID-19 hit, numerous government-sponsored contact-tracing apps have launched to help stem its spread, but low take-up threatens their survival. As people’s trust in their politicians takes a dive, might other technology options signal a shift in…
As active/passive investment tides turn, FinTech is key to success
Current market volatility is ushering in a resurgence in active fund management, while asset owners are demanding more digital-driven access and transparency. To achieve the necessary active/passive balance and meet investors’ demands, new FinTech tools…
Firm foundation: aligning hardware and software is vital for effective AI
Financial firms neglect the hardware for AI tools at their peril. But even as chips and system architectures evolve, trade-offs remain. When it comes to hardware, firms need to know what to balance with what, to avoid being lumbered with fragmented IT…
Cyber Risk Quantification Solutions, 2020: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report updates our view of the market for CRQ solutions, highlighting the major trends and developments, and assessing the vendor landscape.
Insurance Risk Systems for IFRS 17 and LDTI Compliance, 2020: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
In this report we consider insurers’ evolving technology requirements for compliance with IFRS 17 and its US counterpart LDTI. As part of our analysis we also examine the core principles of LDTI, and the main areas in which it differs from IFRS 17…
Calculating Return on Investment for Client Lifecycle Management Using the Fenergo Solution
Chartis Research and Fenergo have developed a focused return on investment (ROI) model for CLM, to determine how much value financial institutions (FIs) can hope to achieve from their CLM solutions. This report outlines the Chartis model, its methodology…
Why Effective Cyber Risk Quantification Matters – Now More Than Ever
In this latest Chartis Briefing, we consider the growing importance of CRQ technology, and the part it can play in financial institutions’ cyber risk management strategies.
Chartis Research – Research Agenda Q2; 2020 Update
The first quarterly rolling update of Chartis' research agenda - now includes Q1 2021.
Technology Solutions for Credit Risk 2.0: Credit Risk Analytics, 2020; Market Update and CVA/CLO Solutions Vendor Landscape
This report builds on the themes discussed in Technology Solutions for Credit Risk 2.0, 2018, published in May 2018. In that report we identified an emerging credit risk environment – which we call Credit Risk 2.0 – in which the banking book and default…
KYC/AML Data Solutions, 2020: Market and Vendor Landscape
This is Chartis’ first dedicated report covering Know Your Customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) data solutions. It outlines the key trends and dynamics in the market and provides a snapshot of the vendor landscape.
Balanced mobile data initiatives are vital in the COVID-19 fight
Governments need real-time data to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but may baulk at longer-term privacy battles. Workable options are possible, but officials must act now to enact them.
RiskTech100 2020 Winners' Review
This supplement to the main RiskTech100 ranking report highlights the achievements and innovations of many of the featured vendors, giving readers a glimpse into what makes them successful.
More Than Just Policy: Effective Model Risk Management in a New Age
This report – a collaborative publication from Chartis and ClusterSeven – examines a crucial period of activity for MRM users and sellers. It considers what MRM now means in a post-IFRS 9/CECL world, and how FIs can develop effective MRM solutions in…
Chartis Research Agenda 2020
A summary of Chartis' planned subscription reports and targeted topic areas for 2020, with a summary of the 'pillars' that will underpin our research.
Energy25 Winners in Review
This supplement to the main Energy25 ranking report highlights the achievements and innovations of many of the featured vendors, giving readers a glimpse into what makes them successful.
Chartis Big Bets 2020
Welcome to Big Bets, a briefing from Chartis Research in which we explore the five big themes we believe will shape the RiskTech marketplace in 2020.
Bad sources? The risks of alternative data
New ways to capture and package previously inaccessible data have given financial institutions (FIs) a diverse set of methods with which to assess the creditworthiness of corporate and retail customers. Despite the appeal, however, deploying this data…
What price privacy as the value of transaction data soars?
Thanks to a booming payments market, the amount of transaction data is growing – as is its value. But regulation around it is patchy at best, and as more transaction data is used to feed models and analysis, more transparency and clarification around its…
Energy25 2019
Welcome to the very first Energy25, a new study from Chartis Research that provides a comprehensive view of the world’s major technology players in modern energy markets. The energy space has always been an important area of research for Chartis, one…
Fixed-Income Technology Solutions, 2019: Market and Vendor Landscape
The landscape for fixed-income solutions is a complex one, shaped by a variety of economic, geographic and cultural factors. This complexity is creating wide differences across different segments of the market - notably bonds, securities and loans - in…
If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu: the case for bug bounties
As fear around cyberattacks grows, so-called ‘bug bounties’ offer firms an opportunity to buy information on security vulnerabilities in their systems before they become public or fall into the hands of bad actors. In future, these transactions will be…
Sell-Side Enterprise Risk Management Technology, 2019: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
After summarizing key market trends, we analyze two areas where there has been considerable activity: margin valuation adjustment (MVA) and initial margin (IM) requirements.