Energy50 2024 Vendor Profile: ION Commodities
This report provides an independent evaluation and description of the ranking and awards given to ION Commodities in Chartis Research’s Energy50 2024 rankings and category awards.
ETRM Systems, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report evaluates ETRM systems that provide front-to-back, asset class-specific and geography-specific coverage, and considers the full energy trade lifecycle. Its main focus is power.
CTRM Systems, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report addresses CTRM market and vendor dynamics to determine the long-term and structural impacts of the overarching market evolution on the technology stack. It contains four quadrants: physical oil, physical gas, metals and soft commodities.
STORM 2024: Results
The complete ranking and list of category awards from the latest iteration of Chartis’ STORM research.
STORM 2024
The third iteration of the STORM ranking and analysis provides our rankings and awards for 2024, as well as a brief overview of the market context in which we conducted our research.
Vendor Spotlight: Hitachi Energy - Energy50/Energy Pricing Systems, 2024
This report provides an independent evaluation and description of the ranking and awards given to Hitachi Energy in Chartis Research’s Energy50 2024 ranking and category awards.
Credit Risk Management Solutions, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report outlines Chartis’ view of the market and vendor landscape for credit risk management solutions in the trading and banking books, and features two RiskTech Quadrants®.
Energy50 2024 Winner’s Spotlight: Brady Technologies
As part of its Energy50 2024 coverage, Chartis spoke to Nick King, Brady’s CEO, about the company’s current operations and future plans.
Out now: Credit Risk Management Solutions, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report examines use cases around technologies including AI, ML, RPA and Big Data analytics, along with other RegTech supplements that financial institutions need.
Focusing on pain points in the CLM journey
A collaborative article by Chartis and Fenergo.
RiskTech100 2024 Winner’s Spotlight: ION
Chartis speaks with Sunil Biswas, Chief Product Officer at ION Commodities.
Vendor Spotlight: ZEMA Global Data Corporation - Energy Data Management Systems, 2024
ZEMA Global Data Corporation placed as a ‘category leader’ in energy data management due to the completeness of its offering and its market potential. This report analyzes ZEMA Global Data Corporation’s rating.
RiskTech100 2024 Winner’s Spotlight: TCS
Chartis speaks with K. Krithivasan, TCS CEO.
Energy Pricing Systems, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report analyzes these issues and assesses the vendor landscape. It examines pricing, analytics, curve management and vendors’ ability to provide tools across asset classes.
Energy50 2024: Results
The complete ranking and list of category awards from the latest iteration of Chartis’ Energy50.
RiskTech100 Winner’s Spotlight: Mirai
Chartis speaks with Olmo Vázquez, Co-Founder and CEO of Mirai.
Energy50 2025
The latest iteration of Chartis' Energy50 ranking. Every year, Energy50 assesses the top 50 energy technology vendors, focusing on their ability to innovate in risk trading analytics, compliance and operational efficiency.
Energy Data Management Systems, 2024: Market Update and Vendor Landscape
This report considers vendors that aggregate and redistribute data across different asset classes, market environments and geographies, as well as how effective they are in developing and processing their data.
Vendor Analysis: Dun & Bradstreet - KYC Data Solutions, 2023
This Vendor Analysis takes a detailed look at Dun & Bradstreet’s quadrant positioning and scoring in the report 'KYC Data and Solutions, 2023: Market Update and Vendor Landscape.'